
APR 09

Challenges while designing apps and how to go about them

For apps to be successful it is very important for the users to have a good experience using them, which depends a lot on the user interface and other visual design elements. Having a good app design helps to build customer loyalty as well. Poor app designs will only push people away and will lead to high abandonment rates, low retention rates and conversion rates. Studies have shown that 90% and 68% of users stopped using an app because they had a poor experience and because the app had a poorly designed UX. On the other hand, 74% users are more likely to use an app that has an attractive UX.
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APR 09

Make mobile apps that will make you rich

We all want to create something from which we can make money. And whatever your reasons for creating an app are, we all have one reason that is common for all, that is to make money. But for that it is very important for important that app developers have a proper revenue plan to follow, or else you may end up wasting your time and financial resources.
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APR 09

Apps in trend

The world is ever changing. Digitization and recent events have changed the way the world works, some temporarily, but some permanently. This has resulted in new opportunities for businesses and app developers. So here is a list to show you the kind of apps that are in trend now and make money. You can use this list to brainstorm on your new projects too. Let’s get into it!
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